Subdivide And Smooth For Google Sketchup Torrent BETTER
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Now, if I wanted to go back to where we just left off in the corner, I can turn on this tool again. So basically, we have this defined, and we can subdivide and make it smooth. And I can select five, and I can subdivide and make it smooth. And I can select two and I can subdivide and make it smooth as well. And I can select two, and I can subdivide and make it smooth.
So, for this example, I'm going to go in and I'm going to select five and I'm going to make them more smooth. So we can turn on our smoothness and we can go into the corner control and we can push it. And we can see that we've gone from this to this. And you can see that our defined and smoothness have increased. So if we turn on the polygon tool, we can see we now have defined and smooth. So we have defined and smooth, flat, and sharp. And we can see that we have these polygons on our figure. We have this subdivided, which we can go into and then we can start clicking and moving polygons into specific areas. We have this subdivide, which is a normal face, which is the geometry from our figure. And then we have this subdivide which is our surface geometry.
We have this subdivide which is our surface geometry, and then we have these subdivided and defined and sharp. If we go into the subdivide, we can basically make this subdivided and defined, and sharp look and go all the way around. If we don't want that, we can just stay in this position. And if we go to the top left of our figure, we can select two and we can subdivide, and we can make sure that our defined and sharp is on. So we can make these and then we can go in and start moving the polygons around. So if we go to the top left of this figure, I can select two and subdivide and make this defined. And we can make this subdivided, sharp, and we can move this out of the way.
So if we go back to the solid section, we're going to go into the top view. We're going to go to the top view and we're going to go to the solid section. And we're going to check on this top view. It's subdivided and it's smoothed.
And we're going to take a quick look at the surface section of our mesh. We're going to go to make a solid. Okay. So we're going to take this mesh we're going to put it inside of an object. Then we're going to go into the solid section. And we're going to make a solid. Okay. So we have our current figure. It's a triangle mesh. And we're going to make a solid. Okay. Now, what you're going to notice is the solid is still pretty flat. It's still not very detailed yet. And we're going to take the solid and we're going to make it a sphere. Okay. And we're going to check on this sphere. The sphere is going to be a sphere based on the default. We're going to check on the subdivide surface, which is going to subdivide and smooth it out as well.
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