Pooler-cpuminer-2.3.2-win64 Free Download !!BETTER!!
LINK --->>> https://blltly.com/2td8fI
In the last few days there was a big code contribution for CudaMiner from Alexey Panteleev from Nvidia and there is still no official binary release available, so we have compiled a windows binary from the latest source and you can download it below. One of the most useful new features that the latest code is the failover pool support, so you can add additional pools as backup by just including them in the command line as you would with the parameters for the first pool. Aside from failover pool support the latest release comes with some optimizations, better error handling and support of up to 32 GPUs, though we are yet to see 32 Nvidia GPUs on a single system. We have compiled the code with VS2012, so if you are getting errors when trying to run it you will have to download and install Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 to resolve them. Do note that this is not an official release and a build from the latest source with a lot of new features being added, so there could be some bugs present and some things not working properly! d2c66b5586