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I patched a 7.0 install with the above patch, but I was not able to find an easy way to test if it is good or not. I was able to run it on an emulator and had some problems. (The emulator im using is:Disruptor) I run the program on the top and it was able to execute all of the exe files. But when i run the second, the program went to a blank screen... I then closed the emulator and directly ran the 2nd executable in the patch and ended up with another blank screen. This didnt do anything. I only run one of the programs, like i said before, to fix the problem. I ran it in a batch file and it was able to patch the 2nd executable without any problems.
This error is unfortunately caused by fast Pentium CPUs and I found a patch on the internet that will resolve the error. () Now the other problem is, when i was tracing the code, it hangs at 'RxWait procedure when trying to execute while not odd(port[RXTX + 5]) do;'
The program (TPPATCH.EXE) examines the file it is commanded to patch exactly, so no exe file will be "patched to death". The position of the variables are scanned automatically, so the patch should work with *all* versions of TP7/BP7. But I haven't tested it with TP6. Of course it is possible that it also can patch those files.
ctbppat only analyses original CRT units -- routines with similar incorrect code in Tool Boxes remain unchanged. However, by running ".ctbppat [filename.ext] /brute", one can force the program to search for the incorrect code but WITHOUT further analysis (which prevents error checking and will then allow the faulty code to be changed). ctbppat will then allow you to patch the code with the new divisor (the default is 255, but by using the ".BRUTE=XXXX" switch, where XXXX is the divisor in HEX, you can enter your own divisor). d2c66b5586